Jana Summer Encounter
Since 2002, AL-JANA, in coordination with Janana network (community of organizations working with disadvantaged children and youth in Lebanon), has been organizing a widely sought-after Summer Encounter that focuses on building the capacity of grassroots community organizations staff members, community artists and activists from various organizations across Lebanon and the region.
The seven-day residential summer encounter works on enhancing work with marginalized children and youth at risk. Skilled international, regional and local trainers come our way from as far as Mexico, India, South Africa and in between, to share their proficiencies and experiences.
In conjunction with the latter objective, participants and trainers acquire the opportunity to exchange knowledge, and expand their horizons and networks through organized meetings and seminars as well as through informal gatherings and social evenings.
The Janana Summer Encounter promotes active learning and creative expression as well as respect for diversity, psychosocial support for young people, community and environmental health and conflict transformation. It aims at changing the behavior of societies, through increasing awareness towards the various creative techniques and interventions that could be used in work with youngsters. It also provides overloaded civil society actors and NGO staff with the change to recharge
their energy and upgrade their skills.